Lightly smoked to bring out a sweet-roasted flavor, Sweet Souchong is a surprisingly decadent contrast to our traditional Lapsang Souchong, and offers far milder smokey flavor along with a warm sugar sweetness. The tea leaves have been withered over pine or cedar fires, pan-fired, rolled and oxidized before being fully dried in bamboo baskets over burning pine.
During the Qing Dynasty (1644 to 1911) soldiers were traveling though the Fujian province of China and decided to set up camp in a tea factory. Their presence disrupted the scheduled drying of the tea. When the soldiers left the tea masters had to come up with a way to get back on schedule. They decided to dry the tea leaves over pine fires. What started out as a quick fix turned into a popular tea.
Bring filtered or spring water to 212°F. Add 1 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 4 minutes.
- Organic lightly smoked black tea
Jianxi, Henan, China