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Brown | 5oz Shell Yixing Teapot


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Yixing teapots originate from the Yixing region in eastern China dating back to the Sung Dynasty (960-1279) when purple clay was first discovered. But it was not until the late Ming and Qing Dynasties (1573-1911) until the tradition matured and flourished.

Artisans utilize purple clay which contains natural minerals to create beautiful products of various forms and colors. They have maintained their unique reputation both in china and abroad as the "best vessel for brewing" fine Chinese teas.


  • Makes 5oz of tea


Yixing teapots have the unique ability to absorb the tea flavor with continued usage. The fired clay contains tiny air pockets which provide insulation and enhanced the taste and aroma of fine tea.

Never use soap when washing Yixing clay. Once you have finished drinking your tea, take the leaves out, and rinse with hot water.


Hand Made with Yixing clay


Yixing, China

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