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Witch's Broom Raw Pu-erh


New Mexico Tea Company
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A bizarre and wonderful tea. This aged green puerh tea is made up of extraordinarily large tea leaves that have been gathered into small bundles that resemble traditional brooms, hence the name. It has a marvelous flavor and delivers a light, woodsy aftertaste. We recommend six to eight leaves per cup with multiple steepings.

Extra Info:

After picking appropriate tender leaves, the first step in making raw pu'erh is converting the leaf to máochá ("light green rough tea"). The leaves are then dry pan-fried using a large wok in a process, which stops enzyme activity in the leaf and prevents further oxidation. The leaves can then be rolled, rubbed, and shaped through several steps into strands. The shaped leaves are then ideally dried in the sun and then manually picked through to remove bad leaves. Once dry, máochá can be sent directly to the factory to be pressed into raw pu'erh, or like this one aged uncompressed and sold at its maturity as aged loose-leaf raw pu'erh.

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 190°F. Add 1 piece of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 1 minutes.


  • Raw Puerh



A bizarre and wonderful tea. This aged green puerh tea is made up of extraordinarily large tea leaves that have been gathered into small bundles that resemble traditional brooms, hence the name. It has a marvelous flavor and delivers a light, woodsy aftertaste. We recommend six to eight leaves per cup with multiple steepings.

Extra Info:

After picking appropriate tender leaves, the first step in making raw pu'erh is converting the leaf to máochá ("light green rough tea"). The leaves are then dry pan-fried using a large wok in a process, which stops enzyme activity in the leaf and prevents further oxidation. The leaves can then be rolled, rubbed, and shaped through several steps into strands. The shaped leaves are then ideally dried in the sun and then manually picked through to remove bad leaves. Once dry, máochá can be sent directly to the factory to be pressed into raw pu'erh, or like this one aged uncompressed and sold at its maturity as aged loose-leaf raw pu'erh.

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 190°F. Add 1 piece of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 1 minutes.




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Generally not much of a pu er drinker but every once in a while I stumble across an interesting name like this one and find it difficult to not want to try. This one definitely looks interesting, bundled as it is. But once taken out of the bundle it just becomes another large leaf tea. Kinda. Unlike some other teas this one has the longest stems I have ever seen. The initial aroma is very woodsy (when the hot water first hits the leaves). 10 second rinse. Now the wet leaf aroma is medicinal with a touch of.... vaseline. After the first steep the aroma changes to hay and barn. The flavor begins with bits of stone fruit but then changes to hay.


4 Stars

This is the first puerh tea I buy and I loved it. the aftertaste is amazing. I'm trying to come up with fancy review words but I'm more of a regular tea drinker that wants to get away from bagged tea. Very different a nice


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