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Siberian Forest


New Mexico Tea Company
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The toasty Da Hong Pao oolong combined with a cooked black puerh is evened out with hot and cooling spices. Great for those late nights staying up reading old Slavic fairy tales and keeping Baba Yaga at bay!

Extra Info:

Oolong means semi oxidized. After rolling, the tea is allowed to ferment only until the edges of the leaves start to turn brown. The tea is then fired which arrests the oxidizing process and captures the interesting character associated with Oolong tea.

Puerh is a fermented tea and the only one that gets better over time, much like wine.

Baba Yaga, or grandmother Yaga, is a magician who lives on the edge of the woods, in a hut shrouded in mysticism and perched on chicken legs. It is said she knows the secret recipe to turn old into young but usually for a steep price!

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 190-200°F. Add 1 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 2 minutes.

Other Brewing Options:

Oolongs teas are best enjoyed when the leaves are briefly infused with hot water, which is then poured off. The tea is then reinfused and tea is poured to the guests after about 2 minutes. The leaves may be reinfused several times, with each resulting infusion yielding different liquor from the proceeding cup.


  • Da Hong Pao oolong, black pu-erh, ginger, clove, cinnamon, dandelion root, licorice



The toasty Da Hong Pao oolong combined with a cooked black puerh is evened out with hot and cooling spices. Great for those late nights staying up reading old Slavic fairy tales and keeping Baba Yaga at bay!

Extra Info:

Oolong means semi oxidized. After rolling, the tea is allowed to ferment only until the edges of the leaves start to turn brown. The tea is then fired which arrests the oxidizing process and captures the interesting character associated with Oolong tea.

Puerh is a fermented tea and the only one that gets better over time, much like wine.

Baba Yaga, or grandmother Yaga, is a magician who lives on the edge of the woods, in a hut shrouded in mysticism and perched on chicken legs. It is said she knows the secret recipe to turn old into young but usually for a steep price!

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 190-200°F. Add 1 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 2 minutes.

Other Brewing Options:

Oolongs teas are best enjoyed when the leaves are briefly infused with hot water, which is then poured off. The tea is then reinfused and tea is poured to the guests after about 2 minutes. The leaves may be reinfused several times, with each resulting infusion yielding different liquor from the proceeding cup.




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I am enjoying this delightful brew while watching the snow fall on a forest of ponderosa pine in northern New Mexico. While not Siberia, with the aroma of this tea in the air I could imagine Baba Yaga peering back at me from the snowy depths. The flavors are mild, sweetly earthy, and combine beautifully.


5 Stars

This is a beautiful tea with a great taste and wonderful aroma. So happy with this buy! If you are looking for a tea but unsure of which to try, get this one. I cannot wait until winter, when I can watch the snow fall while drinking this tea.


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