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Red Chile Pepper Flakes & Seeds


New Mexico Tea Company
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The perfect spice to add to chai, or dinner! The flavor is a smoky, spicy-sweet citric heat with a pungent bite from the presence of capsaicin, the component that stimulates circulation and the digestive process inducing perspiration.

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 212°F. Add 1 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 3 minutes.


  • Red Chile Pepper Flakes and Seeds



The perfect spice to add to chai, or dinner! The flavor is a smoky, spicy-sweet citric heat with a pungent bite from the presence of capsaicin, the component that stimulates circulation and the digestive process inducing perspiration.

Extra Info:

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 212°F. Add 1 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 3 minutes.




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