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Category > Photo Contest
This tisane boasts a medley of cherries, cranberries. Perfect with a little bit of juice as a nice summer cooler for the kids or with a little bit of sparking white wine for an evening party spritzer. You can also use it as a base to make into popsicles! Pondi Cherry
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Photo Contest

“Pondi Cherry. I love the color of this tea as much as the flavor!” Thank you to Leah from @flirtingwithfrosting for the photo submission!

Leah got a $10 gift card because we posted her photo!
Submit your photos here:

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This tisane boasts a medley of cherries, cranberries. Perfect with a little bit of juice as a nice summer cooler for the kids or with a little bit of sparking white wine for an evening party spritzer. You can also use it as a base to make into popsicles! Pondi Cherry
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