Bring filtered or spring water to 170°F. Add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep Whisk minutes.
Ceremonial Matcha: Please note that in order to brew Ceremonial Matcha you will need a set of Japanese tea ceremony tools. (Bowls, scoops, and a whisk).
1. Prepare tea bowls by warming them with boiled water.
2. Prepare your Matcha whisk by soaking the tip in the boiled water in one of the bowls for about 10 seconds.
3. Pour the water out and dry the bowl with a paper towel.
4. Using your teaspoon, add 2 scoops of Matcha to each bowl.
5. Pour 1/3 of a cup of your hot water into each bowl.
6. In a slow "m' motion, submerge any loose bits of Matcha that may be floating on the surface of the tea.
7. Whisk the tea more briskly in a back and forth motion until the surface of the Matcha becomes frothy.
8. Consume immediately. (In Japan, it is customary to drink the entire bowl in 3 quick slurps).
Matcha Iced Latte: The drink thatÕs taking the west coast by storm!
For this recipe you will need per serving: 1/2 tsp matcha, 2 oz hot water, 3 tsp sugar, 4 oz milk, 8 ice cubes, and 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1. Mix the matcha and hot water in a bowl. Stir with a whisk until completely dissolved.
2. Stir in the sugar.
3. Add milk and stir. If you like add vanilla at this step.
4. Add ice and put the mixture in a blender. Blend until smooth. If you donÕt have a blender simply drink over the ice.