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Marble Solitaire 5" | Travel Game


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Thumbnail of Chinese Chess 8
The Chinese chess board is made up of 10 horizontal lines (ranks) and 9 vertical lines (files). The pieces are placed on the lines rather than in the squares as in Western chess.
Thumbnail of GO Magnetic 8
This is a great travel GO Set! All playing pieces are inside. The board is magnetized for steady and sure play on the move. A great set for family vacations, business trips with colleagues, and anywhere where you want the challenge of a classic game in a size that fits right in your bag.
Thumbnail of 9 Men's Morris 5
Nine Men’s Morris is an abstract strategy board game for two players that emerged from the Roman Empire. The game’s popularity peaked in Medieval England. Our version of this historic game is beautifully crafted from wood. The pieces store neatly inside the game when not in play.

Includes: 5" wooden game board; 9 each black and white marbles; instructions.

Suitable for ages 8+ up. For 2 Players.

Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small parts - chocking hazard.

Thumbnail of Cat and Mouse 5
Cat & Mouse is a simple game of luck. While in the lead, the other players are chasing you from the board, thus naming the lead marble the Mouse and all the other players the Cats. The Cats are chasing the Mouse! With the luck of an opponents roll, they can bump you back to the beginning and replace you as reigning Mouse of the game! More players equal more activity and fun!

Includes: 5" wooden game board; 6 assorted colored marbles; 1 die; instructions.

Suitable for ages 8+ up. For 2-6 Players.

Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small parts - chocking hazard.

Show Description

Legend has it, the inventor of this game had plenty of time on his hands, he was an unfortunate French nobleman imprisoned in the Bastille during the French Revolution. Another legend claims the game was invented by the French mathematician, Pelisson, to entertain Louis XIV, The Sun King, who ruled from 1643 to 1715. It is remarkable The Sun King found time to do anything else! This humble game of strategy has challenged and stumped mathematicians, royalty, and the run of the mill game-player for centuries. Its no wonder that Solitaire has captivated so many throughout the years.

Marbles Store Inside the Board with Sliding Magnetic Closure.

For 1+ Players.

Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small parts - chocking hazard.

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