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Jonisian Nebula - Kingdom of Absolution | SNW Episode 8


New Mexico Tea Company
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Assembled from ingredients found floating in the Jonisian Nebula... we can only guess what was going through the mind of the intelligence sprung forth from nothing when they conjured these ingredients into reality. Perhaps it was their child like curiosity which allowed such a strange new tea to even be contemplated.

Extra Info:

Week 9 of Strange New Teas of the Week.

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 180°F. Add 1 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 4 minutes.


  • Puerh, green tea, black tea, chocolate pieces, raspberries, vanilla, natural flavors


Found in the Jonisian Nebula

Assembled from ingredients found floating in the Jonisian Nebula... we can only guess what was going through the mind of the intelligence sprung forth from nothing when they conjured these ingredients into reality. Perhaps it was their child like curiosity which allowed such a strange new tea to even be contemplated.

Extra Info:

Week 9 of Strange New Teas of the Week.

Brewing Instructions:

Bring filtered or spring water to 180°F. Add 1 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 4 minutes.



Found in the Jonisian Nebula

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This tea is amazing! I got it of course because I love Star Trek, but I love the tea itself! I hope it's a permanent tea at NMTeaCo.


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