A very strong puerh is blended with peppermint, clove, and licorice root to create a brew that is strong yet incredibly smooth. The additional ingredients add a tingly spicy note to the cup.
Ripened or cooked puerh is specially processed to imitate aged raw pu'er. The process does not actually employ cooking, the term may come about due to inaccurate translation due to the dual meaning of "shœ" as both "fully cooked" and "fully ripened".
The process used to convert raw puerh leaves into ripened puerh is a recent invention that manipulates conditions to approximate the result of the aging process by prolonged bacterial and fungal fermentation in a warm humid environment under controlled conditions, a technique called "wet piling" in English. This involves piling, dampening, and turning the tea leaves in a manner much akin to composting.
Bring filtered or spring water to 200°F. Add 1-2 tsp of tea leaves to an 8oz cup. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep 4 minutes.
Traditional Chinese brewing method: Break off enough tea for one cup, (About a TABLESPOON) ¥ 1st brew 30 sec. ¥ 2nd brew 40 sec. ¥ 3rd brew 40 sec. ¥ 4th brew 60 sec. ¥ 5th brew 90 sec. ¥ 6th brew 120 sec. With each subsequent brewing, note how the character of this wonderful green pu-erh subtly shifts in terms of strength and flavor.
- Black cooked puerh, peppermint, clove, licorice root
Yunnan, China